Here at the radio station we've received random stuff before. Baked goods, artwork, we even received a cast-iron skillet from someone...and this is only a list of a few things that we've gotten.

But today, we stepped it up a notch here at the radio station. Today, we got something that we've never gotten before.

It all started with a sound that I heard a few minutes after I arrived. I heard it, and didn't think too much of it, thinking that it was coming from a video that someone in the building was watching, or maybe it was someone's ringtone on their phone.

But, over the next several minutes, I kept hearing the noise. Curious, I followed the noise, which was coming from outside the building. I opened the backdoor, and this is what I saw:

Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham

So, it looks like a regular - well-used - animal crate, right? Look a little closer...

Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham

Yes, now you can see why it was so random. And, just in case you need any more clarification than I've already given, here's the close-up:

Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham

A rooster. Someone dropped off a ROOSTER at the radio station. No name, no explanation, it was just sitting by the back door. Why is this? I have no idea. However, this will go down - at least in my book - as the most random thing we have received far...

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