Flu Season in Texas is Winding Down
There are at least 12,000 new cases of the flu each week across the country, but Texas is much healthier it turns out. So how much longer will flu season last?
The CDC says there could actually be more than 12,000 new cases of the flu each week, because many of us don't ever go to the doctor to get an official diagnosis. We just stay home and eat chicken noodle soup and watch Netflix for a few days while dealing with all of the unpleasantries of the flu, and we never actually know if it was Influenza A or Influenza B, or if we just had some bad wings at the Super Bowl party on Sunday.
Even with thousands of new flu cases each week across the US, Texas is one of the states that's being spared from the worst of it right now. Flu activity is the worst this week in New Jersey, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New York and South Carolina, and in Texas we're on the downhill side after a January peak.
If you're the one that has the flu right now, it's peaking for you right there in Diboll. Hang in there. But across Texas there are fewer cases of the flu i general, and we should be done with it by the end of February.
And then we can worry about West Nile.
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