Participate In The Blueberry Color Splash #TBF2020
As of right now, the Texas Blueberry Festival in Downtown Nacogdoches has been postponed. Now, that doesn't mean that it's been cancelled, it's just not going to take place at it's normal time.
As a Nacogdoches resident, this is pretty rough news. We look forward to the Blueberry Festival every year. But, this year, we're going to have to wait. However, one of the major Blueberry Festival sponsors is giving Nacogdoches something "blueberry-related" to take part in, while we wait to hear what the plans for the official Blueberry Festival are.
The folks at Tipton Ford came up with the Blueberry Color Splash. They've created a blueberry-themed coloring page for people of all ages around Nacogdoches to download, color and display. And, there's even a competition included in it. If you don't want to compete in the competition, that's alright, too. They still encourage you to color the page and display it.
So, here's how it works. You can download the coloring page at this link, or you can pick up hard copies of it at the Tipton Ford dealership, the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce, or the Charles Bright Visitors Center. Then, you display it. You can display it at your home or, if they would like, at local businesses around Nacogdoches. Another option you have is to take it to Tipton Ford in-person, where they'll display it at the dealership. You can also post pictures to social media, with this tag: #TBF2020.
Now, as I mentioned, there is a contest. The contest is hosted by The Daily Sentinel. You go through the same process as mentioned above, only you submit a photo of your artwork to The Daily Sentinel website. There will be four age groups competing: Eight and under, 9 through 12, 13 through 17, and 18+.
All of this information and more can be found on the Texas Blueberry Festival webpage.