What Are Your ‘Must-Do’ Activities In Nacogdoches?
During my time at Stephen F. Austin State University, one of the things that I would hear on a regular basis was the phrase, "There's nothing to do in Nacogdoches." That was a phrase that kind of bothered me. Why? Because it wasn't true.
Nacogdoches is a town of over 32,000 people. Granted, you're not going to have the options that Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, or even Tyler have. But, you do have options.
That's where you come in.
Let's say you have a friend, or group of friends, that will be coming to Nacogdoches for a very short period of time. What would you tell them that they absolutely had to do while in town? Would you have them check out the outdoor activities around town? Would you have them focus on more evening activities? Or, would you have them do a bit of both?
No, this is not going to rest solely on you. I just want to find out what your take on Nacogdoches activities looks like. I'll even make you a deal. You guys fill me in on your must-do ideas, and I'll fill you in on mine. Sound fair?
Feel free to drop your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below. Also, if you're reading this and YOU happen to be that out of town friend that's coming to visit, be sure to keep an eye on this page for ideas about Nacogdoches that you can check out for yourself.
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