5 Reasons Why the Library is Awesome
If you're not using the Kurth Memorial Library in Lufkin, or the Nacogdoches Public Library on a regular basis you're totally missing out.
These are great resources that are free! Check out these 5 reasons why the library is awesome.
As a parent, I'm always looking for places to take the kids where they can walk around and explore and have fun (and maybe learn something without really knowing it). Finding a great, versatile adventure that doesn't cost a lot is a huge win for Mama, and the library is that win.
I've been taking my three girls to the library since the oldest was 6 months old and she's 9 now. Her sisters are 8 and 6. We've got a long library history and most of it has been super, with only one or two instances where the library ladies had to send one of those friendly overdue reminders to us. Sorry about that library girls, but sometimes books aren't discovered until we see what's revealed when we clean up piles of stuffed animals and blankets. Bringing them right back.
Do you love the library? It seems like it's an underutilized resource sometimes, and that folks might think of it as just a collection of old books with pages that smell like the 1960s. Nothing could be further from the truth! It's fresh and new with the latest digital platforms, and we always find the most current books to go with the oldies but goodies.
My 9-year old has been reading the Warriors series, and Wings of Fire, and some of the other hottest books for kids. We've also got Big Nate and Bad Kitty books at our house. And they're all due tomorrow, which reminds me we've got to return them before they get buried under other warrior and kitty stuffed toys in the game room.
5 Reasons to Love the Library:
1. Children's story time. They're got different story times throughout the week for different age groups, and sometimes it includes a craft or a guest like a magician. The kids are entertained, and parents get a breather for a few minutes.
2. Programs for tweens, teens, and young adults. There are book clubs with group discussions for young readers to share what moves them. And craft times to make big things like backpacks. And family Lego nights. Take advantage.
3. Movie nights. The library hosts movie nights with snacks and comfy chairs, and it's always free. And it gives us the chance to catch up on movies maybe we've heard about but haven't seen before. Another good family outing.
4. Seminars and classes. Like help with taxes. It's a good place to connect with IRS resources, and sometimes the library offers tax prep experts to either prepare those confusing forms for us or walk us right through the process. Other classes cover spreadsheet how-tos, nutrition, and all sorts of helpful things.
5. It's all free! It's free to get a library card and start checking out books and movies, placing holds on the hottest books so we'll be next in line, using the internet stations and more. And the classes are free too, but sometimes they'd like for you to register in advance.
I always feel good when I take the kids to the library because I know they're doing something productive with their time and they enjoy it. And it's free, did I mention that? The Kurth Memorial Library and Nacogdoches Public Library are total wins. Now it's just a matter of using them.
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