SFA Gardens Squirrel Picnic Table = Your Daily Dose of Awesome
We have tons of wildlife in East Texas. We could take pictures of wildlife for days, weeks, and even months. But sometimes, it can be difficult to find a really awesome picture of the wildlife, especially if you're not a professional.
Then sometimes, the opportunity presents itself.
If you're looking for an opportunity like that - and you happen to be in and around Nacogdoches one day - you can find it at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, just off Raguet Street. Drive down the little road that passes by the greenhouses, and you will see a tiny picnic table, perched on top of an old tree stump. It's just "squirrel-sized", you might say. This is what I'm talking about:
No, really, it's a thing. And, we've got pictures to prove it. They've even got SFASU the Squirrel posing! Check it out:
Look: SFA Gardens Has Squirrel Picnic Table
See? And those are just pictures taken with a regular iPhone. Just imagine what kind of awesome pics you could get of "SFASU" posing with a professional camera! Or, any of the other millions of squirrels around Nacogdoches. Either way, it makes for a fun trip, and some really neat pictures.
Have any of you already found this squirrel picnic picnic table? Were you able to get any pictures of the squirrels while you were there? Let us see them! You can drop them in the comment section below.