Taco Bell Has an Alternative for Pumpkin Spice Haters
Be watching the Taco Bells on Timberland Drive or South First in Lufkin for a brand new fall-inspired drink that will rival the pumpkin spice latte. It sounds like the perfect alternative.
Just after Starbucks announced they would release the Pumpkin Spice Latte on Tuesday, August 28th, Taco Bell hopped on Twitter to say they had been testing a new autumn drink and they were ready to release it.
The Caramel Apple Freeze is a green apple slush with caramel drizzle throughout, and if we're lucky, some of that caramel ribbon might gather at the bottom of the cup and get hard so we can chew it like it's a piece of Halloween candy. Some have said it tastes like a caramel apple lollipop. We would be fine if it tasted like a plain ole caramel apple too.
If your kids are anything like mine, get cross-eyed at the idea of any warm drinks, but they could drink a slush a day every day. They love the cold, sweet stuff, and this sounds like a good one.
Starbucks has been attaching its Pumpkin Spice Latte to the arrival of fall for several years, but in Texas, it might be a little too hot to really love a hot drink until about mid- October. In August and September when it's still 99 degrees a slush sounds good, and if fall is the excuse we need to add caramel then so be it. Thanks, Taco Bell.
If you're looking for a fall-inspired beverage that hits your sweet tooth, you will have plenty of options for the next few months at restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores. One each day? We'll watch for your pics and comments on social media.
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