Thanks For Listening – Mark Wraps Up His Final Day At Q107
Deep East Texas -
Thank you so much for listening over the past five years, and for allowing me to be a part of your day. I took this job on October 26, 2015. Since then, the memories that have been made and the friendships that have been formed have been fantastic. I never expected "Cunningham's Corner" to be a thing. But, it was.
It's been an honor to work alongside veterans in this industry. From Danny Merrell and Sean Ericson on KICKS 105, to Dan Patrick on KFOX 95.5. And, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Steve Rixx, who was formerly on KICKS 105, who helped me get my start on the radio here in Deep East Texas.
This position has had ups and downs, but it's all so memorable, and I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. From the concerts, to the events, to chance meetings of people...I've had a chance to take part in so many things that I never would have even imagined. I've had fun, and I've been blessed by my experiences.
It's bittersweet to wrap up this little season of my life, but it's time to move onto something new. It's something completely different, but I think that it'll be good. I'll still be in the area, I just won't be part of your commute, your workday, etc.
I can't say thank you enough. Thank you for the laughs, the experiences, the intense conversations, and again...
Thank you for listening.
-Mark Cunningham

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